To ensure that their invited audience were thoroughly engaged in their presentations the CLRN decided
to give each attendee a voting handset with which they could respond to the questions posed by the various presenters.

Dinithi Perera, Senior Administration Officer, commented "we're really pleased with how the voting system worked and have had lots of positive feedback… worked great!".
In the scenario where the CLRN had not engaged with this particular audience before they needed to keep the delegates focussed on the key message of
the day. Involving the audience in the material rather than bombarding them worked well.
"The interactive voting system was very popular with the delegates" said Mark Terry R&D Facilitator. Dinithi further offered that "the service that Optivote provided was wonderful". Thanks Dinithi, our technical operatives are always keen to work seamlessly with our customers to make sure the event runs smoothly. | |