We have two distinct systems available for hire.
1 Optivote RF8
2 ResponseCard RFLCD
Radio frequency technology makes the Optivote RF8 handset fast and reliable with no 'line of sight' considerations.
The system is a stand alone, closed system so no WiFi connection needed.
Its single button press to register a vote, confirmed with a flashing LED light, makes it the simplest to use on the market. No delegate technophobia with this handset.
Every delegate is allocated a handset similar to a TV remote control (little chance of these being taken by mistake at the end of the event) to record their anonymous votes.
If they wish to change their minds, they can do, until you bring the voting to a close.
The radio frequency receiver unit plugs in via USB to the operator's laptop to accept signals from hundreds of handsets in a fraction of a second.
Radio frequency technology makes the Optivote RF8 handset fast and reliable with no 'line of sight' considerations.
The system is a stand alone, closed system so no WiFi connection needed.
Its single button press to register a vote, confirmed by the LCD display. No delegate technophobia with this handset.
Every delegate is allocated a handset to record their anonymous votes on up to 10 answer options. If they wish to change their minds, they can do, until you bring the voting to a close.
The radio frequency receiver unit plugs in via USB to the operator's laptop to accept signals from hundreds of handsets in a fraction of a second.
The simple software makes this system the ideal choice for dry hire (equipment only hire) which is the most cost effective way of enjoying the systems.